ENDNENZ3&-ÿÿÿÿ Ž°AU- DT- ED-HL- IS- LA- 2KW- MV-NT-PD- pp. # : PD- pp. # ; PD-pp. #PD- vol. : PD- vol. ; PD- v. : PD- v. ; PD- v. : PD- v. ; PD- : PD- ; PD-PU-  : |,PU-  : PU- PY- SE-  ; SE- TI- UL-DT-`computer file`AU- DT- ED-HL- IS- KW- LA- 2MV-NT-PD-PU-  : |,PU-  : PU- PY- SE- TI- UL- AU- `editor` AU- `joint ed` AU-  DT-  ED-  HL-  IS-  KW-  LA- 2 MV-  NT-  PD- pp.  :  PD- pp.  ;  PD- vol. :  PD- vol. ;  PD- v. :  PD- v. ;  PD- v. :  PD- v. ;  PD-  :  PD-  ;  PD-  PU- : |, PU-  : PU-  PY-  SE-  ;  SE-  TI-  UL-  PD- `map :` PD- `maps :` SC- `Scale` AU-  DT-  ED-  HL-  IS-  KW-  LA- 2 MV-  NT-  PD-  PU- : |, PU-  : PU-  PY-  SC-  SE-  TI-  UL-  DT- `[film` DT- `[microform` DT- `[motion` DT- `[slide` DT- `[sound` DT- `[video` NT- `Compact` PD- `1 sound disc (CD).` AU-  DT-  ED-  HL-  IS-  KW-  LA- 2 MV-  NT-  PD-  PU- : |, PU-  : PU-  PY-  SE-  TI-  UL-  PD- `art print` AU-  DT-  ED-  HL-  IS-  KW-  LA- 2 MV-  NT-  PD-  PU- : |, PU-  : PU-  PY-  SE-  TI-  UL- DT- `electronic`DT-`online`AU- DT- ED-HL- IS- KW- LA- 2MV-NT-PD-PU- PY- SE- TI- UL-DT- `manuscript`PD- `manuscript`AU- DT- ED-HL- IS- KW- LA- 2MV-NT-PD- : PD- ; PD-PU- PY- SE- TI- UL-DT-`chart`DT-`globe`DT-`kit`DT-`model`DT-`object`DT- `portfolio`DT-`realia`PD-`box`PD- `container`PD-`ft.`PD-`item`AU- DT- ED-HL- IS- KW- LA- 2MV-NT-PD- pp.  : PD- pp.  ; PD- vol. : PD- vol. ; PD- v. : PD- v. ; PD- v. : PD- v. ; PD- : PD- ; PD-PU-  : |,PU-  : PU- PY- SC-SE- TI- UL-zDD DDDHH DHDDDDDDSLSLDDed. [ ] DD D D DD Unspecified DDD ISBN: ISSN: scontext‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ {NONE}‚‰ University of Nottinghamz3950.copac.ac.ukLibrary CatalogueCOPACREF210 SUTRS UTF-8H0I0G000 â FAny Field (Word)*10161FAny Field (Phrase)*10161100F Author*AUTH10041FCorporate Author*100536FTitle*436FKeyword*2136F Year*DATE3133FISBN*age*74FISSN*8FISSN*8  Û U NottinghamCOPACLibrary Catalogs‘1. The "Any Field" search option includes automatic right-hand truncation. So a search for "postmodern" will also retrieve "postmodernism" and "postmodernist". 2. When limiting your search by language, use terms such as french, german, italian, etc. and not three-letter language codes. 3. Many personal author names will lack a comma at the end of the surname, or they will have the comma in the wrong place. 4. EndNote cannot distinguish between personal and corporate authors (they share the "AU" tag), therefore corporate authors will be parsed as if they were personal authors. You'll need to correct them manually after importing. 5. The filter is sometimes unable to distinguish between authored books and edited books. 6. The name of the university whose library holds the item will be imported into the Call Number field. The actual call numbers are not provided by the COPAC database.